Ueda imposes a record with two bags without making a pitch

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The reliever of Japan Breeze, Gaku Ueda, enters to relieve in the fifth entry before Charros de Jalisco and without performing a pitching, commits balks to establish a brand in the Caribbean serial.

Mexicali – Japanese pitcher Gaku Ueda made history in the Caribbean Series Mexicali 2025by becoming Monday the first pitcher to commit two Balks In a game, in addition to making them consecutively and without performing a pitching when entering relief.

The Japanese right pitcher also matched the brand of more Balks Committed in a Caribbean series, when tie the Mexican Oscar Villarrealwho did it in Hermosillo 2013in consecutive games.

Ueda entered the relay in the fifth entrance by the Japan Breeze against Jalisco charros With third and second runners, and without making a single pitch Felix Tejadamarked a couple of Balks.

Jack Mayfield was sent to the dish with the sixth career of the Game of Mexico and Japhet Amador Third base, when Ueda made a double movement in its mechanics. I immediately made another rare movement so that Amador was sent to the plate again by Tejada.

UDA composed its movement and made six launches after the balks to pant Alfredo Hurtado and finish the entrance of five races of Mexico.

Sunday night, the Mexican Jesús Cruzof charros, he had become the 32 pitcher to commit a Balk In a game. Now, Ueda is the first at all times with two in a meeting.

In Miami 2024, four pitchers committed a Balk And it is the series in which they have been presented, when they exceed three in the 2002 and 2013 Caribbean series.

Roman Fuenmayorplaying for Venezuela, was the first pitcher with a Balkby committing it in 1949.