The list of summons for the devils for the nations cup

“Hoping to see the Claudia Schüler court full of Chilean flags seeing how we defend our house in such an important tournament”. Thus defined Cristóbal Rodríguez, DT of the Devilsthe meaning of being the host nation of the Nations Cup. The female team of Chile It will play the contest granted by a quota for the Pro League 2025/2026 in Santiago from February 23 to March 2. The coach announced the payroll of 20 players who will be in the competition.
The devils (14 ° in the ranking) will face in Group A Canada (17 °), Japan (11 °) and USA (13). In the B will be South Korea (15 °), New Zealand (10th), Scotland (16 °) and Ireland (12 °). The first two in each area will go to the semifinals.
“The general objective is to do a long -term job where we consolidate everything that has been doing for several years in order to classify the Olympic Games and be among the 10 best teams in the world,” Rodríguez had told AM850 Hockey. For now, with a defined list already last details for the debut that will be on Sunday, February 23 before the Japanese team. Then they will go to the Canadians on Tuesday 25 and close the first phase with the Americans on Thursday 27.