Super Rugby Americas: all the squads for the tournament

Super Rugby Americas: all the squads for the tournament

Less than a month before the start of Super Rugby Americas, The squads of the seven franchises were confirmed who will compete in the contest. In Scrum, a review of who will be the protagonists of the 2025 edition of the continental tournament. All rugby, on Disney+.

Among the great news is the list of Tarucas, the brand new member of the contest. The representative of the Argentine Northwest region, led by Álvaro Galindo, has several outstanding players.

The complete Tarucas squad: 1- Julián Martin, 2- Benjamín Garrido, 3- Juan Manuel Vivas, 4- Tomás Bartolini, 5- Diego Fortuny, 6- Francisco Moreno, 7- Rodrigo Navarro, 8- Agustín Iglesias, 9- Santiago Romano, 10- Mariano Perondi , 11- Lautaro Fanlo, 12- Miguel Mukdise, 13- Facundo Cardozo, 14- Luciano Asevedo, 15- Thiago Sbrocco, 16- Agustín Sarelli, 17- Bruno Gómez, 18- Facundo García Hamilton, 19- Santiago Aguilar, 20- Simón Benítez Cruz, 21- Estanislao Pregot, 22- Nicolás Roger, 23- Genaro Laborde, 24- Santiago Saleme, 25- Juan Manuel Molinuevo, 26- Ignacio Cerrutti, 27- Baltazar García, 28- Tomás Vanni, 29- Tomás Medina, 30- Mariano García, 31- José Gianotti, 32- Bautista Stofan, 33- Stefano Ferro, 34- Nicolás Macome and 35- Benjamín Aguilar.

For his title defense, Doges XV He also decided to hit the table by including the historic captain of Los Pumas 7’s on his payroll, Gaston Revol. The Cordoban joined the franchise after his return to the XV with La Tablada. Besides, Nicolas Galatro will feature the Puma Pedro Delgadowho earned his place in the Argentine national team after his performance in Super Rugby Americas 2024.

The complete Dogos XV squad: 1. Santiago Pulella, 2. Nicolás Revol Pitt, 3. Juan Ignacio Greising Revol, 4. Boris Wenger, 5. Octavio Filippa, 6. Leonel Oviedo, 7. Conrado Iglesias, 8. Pedro Delgado, 9. Octavo Barbatti, 10. Lautaro Simes, 11. Lorenzo Colidio, 12. Federico Albrisi, 13. Lautaro González, 14. Ignacio Gandini, 15. Felipe Villagran, 16. Aitor Bildosola, 17. Genaro Fissore, 18. Valentín Cabral, 19. Juan Cruz Caballero, 20. Agustín Moyano, 21. Juan Lovell, 22. Julián Hernández, 23. Juan Bautista Baronio, 24. Faustino Sánchez Valarolo, 25. Leonardo Gea Salim, 26. Felipe Mallía, 27. Agustín Segura, 28. Tomás Bocco, 29. Ernesto Guidice, 30. Lautaro Cipriani, 31. Franco Rossetto, 32. Mateo Soler, 33. Valentín Soler, 34. Mateo Sánchez, 35. Mateo Fauda and 36. Gastón Revol.

The other finalist from the last edition also presents new features on its roster. In total there are 13 new players who will represent Pampas in this 2025 edition. Among the highlights are the Pumas Joaquín Moro, Justo Piccardo and Eliseo Morales. Furthermore, it is worth highlighting the presence of Nicolás D’Amorim, Ignacio Inchauspe and Santiago Pernasthree who were guest players with the national team.

The complete Pampas squad: 1. Mateo Albanese, 2. Juan Pedro Bernasconi, 3. Manuel Bernstein, 4. Bautista Bosch, 5. Ignacio Bottazzini, 6. Franco Carrera, 7. Juan Pablo Castro, 8. Javier Corvalán, 9. Nicolás D’Amorim, 10 . Francisco González Capdevila, 11. Ramiro Gurovich, 12. Bruno Heit, 13. Ignacio Inchauspe, 14. Alfonso Latorre, 15. Federico Lavanini, 16. Francisco Lusarreta, 17. Leo Mazzini, 18. Matías Medrano, 19. Eliseo Morales, 20. Joaquín Moro, 21. Facundo Nigro, 22. Juan Penoucos, 23. Juan Pérez Rachel , 24. Santiago Pernas, 25. Justo Piccardo, 26. Miguel Prince, 27. Francisco Quinn, 28. Tomás Rapetti, 29. Estanislao Renthel, 30. Jerónimo Solveyra, 31. Marcelo Toledo and 32. Jerónimo Ulloa.

With a change of coach, Penarol This Friday, January 10, training began for a new year for the most winning franchise in the contest. Among the highlights of the list, Ivo Dugonjic will be available to Baltazar Amayarecently active with Los Teros.

The complete Peñarol squad: 1.Mateo Sanguinetti, 2. Mateo Perillo, 3. Guillermo Pujadas, 4. Joaquín Myszka, 5. Bautista Vidal, 6. Ignacio Torres, 7. Felipe Aliaga, 8. Franco Marini, 9. Federico De Los Santos, 10. Manuel Rosmarino, 11. Lucas Bianchi, 12. Santiago Civetta, 13. Carlos Deus, 14. Manuel Diana, 15. Franco Bertini, 16. Francisco Gallo, 17. Santiago Álvarez, 18. Tomás Di Biase, 19. Felipe Etcheverry, 20. Ícaro Amarillo, 21. Francisco Landauer, 22. Felipe Arcos Pérez, 23. Alfonso Perillo, 24. Joaquín Suárez, 25. Bautista Basso, 26. Mateo Vials, 27. Ignacio Facciolo, 28. Manuel Cardoso, 29. Baltazar Amaya, 30. Bautista Farise 31. Justo Ferrario, 32. Andrés Vilaseca, 33. Juan Manuel Rodríguez, 34. Juan Manuel Alonso and 35. Juan Zuccarino

With a view to continuing to feed the Brazilian team, Cobras Brazil Rugby presented a roster with 41 players, 36 of them who could be part of The Tupis. The Brazilian franchise will be led by Emilio Caffarena and will have five foreign players, among which are Argentines Matías Vidal, Manuel Todaro, Augusto Guillamondegui and Fernando Luna.

The complete Cobras Brasil Rugby squad: 1. Aoturoa Seeling, 2.Aquiles “Kiki” Schlüter, 3.Brendon Alves, 4.Endy Willian Pinheiro, 5.Henrique Ferreira, 6. João Guilherme “Boi” Arraez, 7. João Lucas Marino, 8. Matías Vidal, 9 .Tiago Santos, 10. Vicente Galvão, 11. Bendonado, 12. Gabriel “Fúria” Oliveira, 13. Gabriel Paganini, 14. Hélder Bryan 15. Lúcio, Adrió de Melo, 16. André Arruda, 17. Cleber “Gelado” Días, 18. Luiz Felizardo, 19. Manuel Todaro, 20. Matheus “Nego” Cláudio, 21. Rafael “Latrell” Teixeira, 22. Renato Santos, 23. Rodolfo Martins, 24. Aramis Padilla, 25. Augusto Guillamondegui, 26. Felipe Gonçalves, 27. João Amaral, 28. Lucas Spago, 29. Nicolás Azevedo, 30. Rodrigo “Diguinho” Santos, 31. Andrei Henrique Santana, 32. Fernando Luna, 33. Lorenzo Masari, 34. Moisés Duque, 35. Robert Tenório, 36. Víctor “Feijão” Silva, 37. Ariel Rodrigues, 38. Daniel “Maranhão” Lima, 39. Lucas “Zé” Tránquez, 40. Sergio Luna and 41 .Widson “Cafú” Menezes.

The other team that has many Argentines on its roster is Yacare XV. The franchise has albiceleste players on its roster, which has 41 names. Among them appear Axel Zapata, Joaquín Lamas and Felipe Puertasall with experience on the campus, Valentino Dicapua (with past in Dogos XV and Los Pumitas) and Julian Quetglasamong others.

The complete Yacare XV squad: 1. Daniel Cabral, 2. Camilo Blasco, 3. Ezequiel Reyes, 4. Lucas Otaño, 5. Axel Zapata, 6. Mariano Muntaner, 7. Jordi Chavez, 8. Cesar Pérez, 9. Rolando Portillo, 10. Enzo Egea, 11. Enrique Quinteros, 12. Lucas Sommer, 13. Ignacio Martínez, 14. Santiago Ruíz, 15. Francisco Bareiro, 16. Mariano Garcete, 17. Juan Jose Heisecke, 18. Juan Martín Sebriano, 19. Ariel Núñez, 20. Nicolás Parada Heit, 21. Mateo Rodríguez, 22. Felipe Puertas, 23. Diego Miño, 24. Juan Cruz Strada, 25. Gonzalo Bareiro, 26. Joaquín Lamas, 27. Valentino Dicapua, 28. Sebastián Urbieta, 29. Juan González, 30. Ramiro Amarilla, 31. Francisco Diez, 32. Gianfranco Parodi, 33. Julián Quetglas, 34. Juan Chilavert, 35. Facundo Paiva, 36. Joaquín Mussi, 37. Arturo López, 38. Luis Miguel Herreira, 39. Marcos Romañach, 40. Rafael Bareiro t 41. Patricio Cabrera.

Finally, it remains to review the squad of Selknamwhich began training on January 8 ahead of the start of the tournament. The Chilean franchise recovers two key figures such as Agustín Böhme and Martín Sigrenwho comes from playing in Major League Rugby.

The complete Selknam squad: 1. Norman Aguayo Riquelme, 2. Benjamín Canales Rivas, 3. Baltazar Canepa Andrews, 4. Javier Carrasco Albornoz, 5. Nahuel Debiassi, 6. Jorge Delgado Romero, 7. Simón Donoso Mercado, 8. Alfonso Escobar Álvarez, 9. Baltazar Gurruchaga Suárez, 10. Iñaki Gurruchaga Suárez, 11. Andrés Kuzmanic Calabrese, 12. Salvador Lues Soto, 13. Lucca Marchini Yunis, 14. Raimundo Martínez Amar, 15. Joaquín Milesi Marín, 16. Benjamín Moreno Millas, 17. Santiago Pedrero Produced, 18. Martín Pizarro Svart, 19. Clemente Saavedra Cartajena, 20. Bruno Sáez Cerda, 21. Emilio Shea Duret, 22. Martín Sigren Molina, 23. Ernesto Tchimino Marcotti, 24. Agustín Toth, 25. Santiago Valenzuela Diez, 26. Augusto Villanueva Barrera, 27. Marco Alvano Torm, 28. Rodrigo Araya Morales, 29 . Ignacio Arias Rivera, 30. Clemente Armstrong Ríos, 31. Tomás Baguley Bonsma, 32. Martín Dumay Fresard, 33. Cristóbal Game Jiménez, 34. Matías Garafulic Schar, 35. Nicolás Garafulic Schar, 36. Federico Kennedy Guzmán, 37. Gonzalo Lara Mehech, 38. Raimundo Maurel Cardemil, 39. Felipe Méndez Lazcano, 40. Juan Cruz Reyes Lillo, 41. Nicolás Saab García, 42. Domingo Saavedra Cartajena, 43. Tomás Salas Walther, 44. Luca Strabucchi Ovalle, 45. Marcelo Torrealba Otero, 46. Benjamín Videla Cambiaso and 47. Diego Warnken Araya