Nicolás Cicileo’s return to the Lions after prioritizing their mental health

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The effort, the sacrifice, the discipline also brings a lot of wear despite the joy of getting to play in a selected one. Nicolás Cicileodefender that last October turned 32, He decided in December 2023 to move away from the lions. Little more than a year later, it was time for his return and He spoke with AM850 Hockey about it.

“Obviously I’m happy to be returned here”thus began the emerged in the City of Buenos Aires. “It was a good time that I took for me and my head. I think having those who love me close, helped me a lot, so it was a wise decision at the time. Now I’m enjoying it a lot “he added.

For Cicileo it was not easy. After 10 years of his debut in Bhubaneswha’s Champions Trophy before the Netherlands he had to stay out of the 2023 Pan American Games for a tear in the left hamstring. Similar storage had suffered the previous year when the opportunity to play at Pro League 2021/2022 was lost to India by Coronavirus.

“It was a very long, very difficult process. But I think it was worth it and now I am happy “explained the defender who wore the T -shirts of Royal Dary and Khc Dragons from Belgium. “Getting a little out of this world, which we started from very small, did me well. Also, look at things outside, enjoy other things “he added.

The truth is that Cicileo’s return to the squad adds experience and hierarchy to the new process commanded by Lucas Rey. “The important objective of the year is the Copa América. The Pro League I think is very important so that all these boys continue to grab many games. And for me it is a challenge to put myself to the test back in international rhythm ”he said about it.

“I’m going to go little by little. I will wait for when you touch the chance and try to do my best. And if not, keep training very hard because the team really is very competitive. That is very good “he concluded.

The lions will culminate a friendly tour in Chile on February 2 and will return to finalize details prior to the restart of the official competition. Belgium and Australia will be the rivals of the Argentine team in Santiago del Estero in context of the second series of the Pro League 2024/2025 from February 19 to 24.