Guide, the heart: the incredible life of Ferrario Lucho through the hockey

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How many lives do we have to pursue our dreams? Luciano Ferrario Respond without hesitation. “Regardless of the opinions of the people who love you, who is around you, you always have to follow what the heart tells you”. One day Lucho undertook a path that led him to know the world, with the hockey stick under his arm and the suitcase full of illusions. Today after knowing the sport of the stick and the in depth in Spain, Switzerland, Italy and Russia is the Head Coach of the High Performance Center Odisha Naval Tata in Indianothing more and nothing less, than hired by Raoul Ehren Yy Sjoerd Marijne, the DT and AC respectively of the selection of female countries. From Bhubanesshwar and exclusively for AM850 Hockey, he talked about all his experiences, the possibility of living his passion and the diverse directions that took his life.

“What caught my attention here in India is to know their culture from within, how they work and the relationship they have with hockey”start. “I was working in Zurich as a coach and also playing what was doing in the last three years. On vacation in Argentina, I met Matías Vila, in a roast at the club and said: ‘I have something for you’. There this possibility told me ”, Lucho recalled, who has been in the Asian country since August last year. “The academy where I am working hired a Dutch company that the partners are Raoul Ehren and Sjoerd Marijne, currently my two bosses. Contacted by Mati (Vila) who had been a player of one of them came the opportunity. The hockey world is quite small worldwide. You start to know yourself with people, interviews arrive and I appeared here ”he added.

The incredible roller coaster in Ferrario’s life, like every Argentine boy, started in the club of his life, in Banco Provincia And curiosity, movement, intrigue was something that always woke him up. “I was always very bank, from the club, of friends, always being there. However, at 25 there was a break that developed everything that came later. I made my first trip to Italy, especially to process the passport. That was key. I knew I was going to open many doors in the future “he recalled. That passage through Cus Cagliari was differential in Luciano’s life that from there saw the world and never stopped. “As a boy I worked with incredible people like Gabi Minadeo, Nano Ortíz, in the lower bank, in Cuba, then in the almost with Mariano Pacho Fernández, a friend and from whom I learned a lot. I was also in the sic with fede nun, another brother of life. After all that the pandemic made a break in me. It seemed that the tournament did not start and the experiences in Europe had been short, with round trip passage. Then a call from a club in Malaga appeared through Ezequiel Pampa Sosa, another club player who was there. And from there I ended up in Switzerland in Zurich that Facundo Quiroga brought me. The essential thing is that I practiced and learned English, which allowed me to continue developing and get to where I am now ”Ferrario narrated.

India knew how to be the great power of international hockey with Pakistan during the 60s and 70 ‘which generated an explosion of popularity of the hockey there that persists until today. “I was surprised. It is a world separate here. Everything we know about clubs is completely different. Here they are academies that do not play every weekend, but are preparing for private tournaments. There are six or eight tournaments in the year, for which it would be U-16, Sub-18, older. In the case of our academy, which is a high performance center, the boys live here. They also study with a plan that is armed by the academy, but what they do is play hockey. They play in the morning, in the afternoon, we have physiotherapists, we have nutritionists, we have psychologists for them. I cannot tell you that they are all the same, because I know that there are some that are public academies and do not have the same resources. Of the seven days of the week, we are training from Monday to Saturday, more than anywhere else in the world. They train more than those who train some selected, because the time they spend with the stick and the bowl is abysmal the difference ”he commented.

Children begin in what would be Grass Roots centers, which are like paddocks that are regulated by different academies. We have between 32 and 36 high -performance centers. Two or three water courts, half of the other sand court and natural grass courts as well. I was lucky to visit some of these centers, in some small tours or small trips and you will meet boys who train in the morning before going to school and post school afternoon. You have two coaches per center. Quality is not the best, but more than anything for the issue of the number of players per coach. We did training for the coaches of these centers, to connect, to listen to them, see other realities, and try to give them a hand, help in what could be, taking into account the conditions in which they work. In those places we do not know if they receive all the meals that a player should receive in those ages. There are places that are in the middle of the jungle, which is difficult to arrive, it is incredible to see it, it is a hockey court, a property, with changing rooms, with everything, in the middle of nowhere. Or of very humble villages. Those places give the boys a place to be and are happy. It is total humility, places without light, without water, it was a hockey court, and well, it is repeated a lot throughout the country, that is very surprising, yes. ”he said.

The massiveness, the popularity that hockey has in India is something that impacted a ferrial from the beginning. “Hockey here in India is as we live in Argentina with football, because hockey here is played by everyone. You have the Cricket and the Hockey, like the two sports played on a large scale, and the Crick is for more wealthy people. Hockey is a ball and play. You have materials, Bocha, stick, they are everywhere. In the street you see people playing hockey in a homemade way. Here who plays in a selected one changes his life. His name, at the Indian level, changes. The majority or all when selected stepping get a work for life, then it changes them completely. If they play Olympic Games, if they play worldwide, important tournaments, they go up their level, and they will have an income, for more than they leave their career as players. They will receive an income for having been selection players ”he said.

Also, he took the opportunity to leave his critical eye about Indian hockey League, the contest with international figures that is being developed in the Asian nation. “From the Indian hockey I have seen two things, something positive and something a bit negative. The positive was the fact that I thought it was that it was a tournament that only Indian figures of the moment and international figures played. But then seeing the equipment and seeing how the total number is formed, the teams have former Olympic or World Cups Indian. You see them on TV and are not in a form like a guy who has recently played at the Olympic Games, which have the quality but are not at that physical level. There are also guys from our academy who are playing it, that is, 17, 18 -year -old boys are also forming in that tournament. That seems little to me and makes it very entertaining. Then the negative thing that spoke with Lucas Toscani, who was with the Delhi Pipers, is that there is only one headquarters. Before he was traveling around the country, and he moved many people that. The stadiums were filled, you had the opportunity to see everyone in different places, and apart with the free admission ”he said.

The ambition and dream of following new directions is latent for ferrial. Like anyone dedicated to a sport, the idea of ​​being part of their country’s selection is always close. “I don’t look desperately. The important thing is what you are doing for people at that time, and that is what fills me. What I do is work, and when things appear, it’s like it is giving, I don’t know why, but in my life things are being given. I don’t have a fixed course. I did not imagine living in Zurich, I did not imagine to come to India, I don’t know what the future holds, but it would be nice to be part of a technical body in general”, He explained. And added: “I see it that way, I think it is very important the experience that those who have played to conduct those processes have, so I could live it, since I could not live it as a player, because it did not give me to live it as a player. But being able to live it as a coach, and well, it would be something very nice, but always forming a team, or accompanying, or attending. I am very respectful of those who have been there as players, and well, there are very trained people, but hey, yes, not to mention, if some day comes, whether Argentina or whatever, yes, it would be very nice. ”

To close, Lucho was expeditive. “Beyond what one has to learn and know about sport, for me there are two things that are fundamental. The first is to give everything for what I am doing at that time. Give 110%. That the players, the players, see it and spread. The second is to be faithful and have good faith with those around. Not wanting to accelerate roads and everything comes that time or does not arrive. When you handle yourself well, doors are opened by what one did. Those were the two keys that have turned to the world ”, He explained. And concluded: “Regardless of the opinions of the people who love you around you, you have to follow the heart. I followed what you feel at the time. It can go well or bad, but everything happens and accommodates. That seems to me the most important. You have to listen to those who want and what they tell you. But, if I had not followed what I wanted to do, maybe I would not have reached where I arrived and I am happy to have encouraged to travel, which was what made me be here. ”