Fernando Ferrara: “I’m not giving up”
Fernando Ferrarawith renewed air, A new process began under the command of Las Leonas and with this brought various situations to deal with to continue with the premise of remaining at the top of the elite, but always aspiring for more: “The truth is that I am very happy with how we started this new process, with a lot of energy and turning it into opportunities. We have several players who went to play in Europe and so the idea is to expand the base and here train with some from the Junior past who are no longer old, other players who stood out in the Metro and others who are in the process today. U-21 and who train as guests.”
In the midst of this context revolutionized by the few Lionesses who remained in the country after the Olympic Games, Fernando commented on the way in which he tries to generate a good climate: “The key is to make the girls feel comfortable, give them tools, gradually incorporate them into what the game system is and what it means to be a Leona.”which means wearing this shirt based on values and for them to also be calm that they are already in the elite of Argentine hockey and that it may be their turn now, it may be their turn later, but they are already privileged being in the position they are in”.
Regarding the mass exodus that occurred after Paris, Ferrara told AM850.com about the contact he has with the Lionesses who reside in the Old Continent.: “We had several video calls with the girls who are in Europe, also some individual calls, and then with the presentation of the staff and the program and we have video calls regarding the update of the game system and they also have the files loaded. matches we play, friendly and the training we do so you can see how we are working and how we are handling ourselves here”.
Las Leonas’ next challenge will be the new Pro League that begins on December 10in Santiago del Estero, and can be experienced on the ESPN3 and Disney Plus Premium screen: “The matches are very important, the competition is very important and we are going to use the Pro League as always to try to transfer what we are doing in training in the Pro Leaguemaking a mix with players who come from Europe but also with many players who are now training here because it is time to prioritize the process and not the results. Performance objectives, transfer objectives, opportunity objectives and not so much result objectives.
Fernando’s aspirations were to complete the three-year process (he was in charge in October 2021) as high as possible, and although he did not meet his maximum objective, he had the strength to keep trying: “First, I am not giving up, we know that the medal is a great value but we wanted more, then with the new energies, with the new process“With the passion that I have, I will surely not let up and I will continue as far as I can to always try to keep the team at the top.”
The Pro League is days away from starting, but the long-term project is the 2026 World Cup and this is how Ferrara mentioned how he plans the preparation: “Increase the player base, modify several things in terms of programming. There are three primary things that have to be: the field at CeNARD, the issue of scholarships and tours; It is what we need to maintain the line of results, that is a bit my idea“, closed the Las Leonas coach.